If a Service Provider cancels a Booking prior to or during the service period identified in the Booking, we will refund the fees paid by the Pet Owner for Pet Care Services not provided, as well as any service charge paid to PetBacker.com.
Service Provider cancellations are taken seriously. If you are a Service Provider, you acknowledge that cancellation by you may result in a review of your account and, if we deem it appropriate, a fine of USD100, suspension or termination of your access to the PetBacker.com Service.
If the cancellation is suspected to be fraudulent, you may be liable to a fine of 40% of the booking value that was cancelled as well and may not receive broadcast requests.
Display of cancellation reason
- If you have more than 3 cancellations and more than 10% of the total value of jobs hired and cancelled, the number of cancellations may be displayed on your listing profile which may adversely affect the number of requests you will receive in the future.
- For transparency purposes, if the booking cancellation is due to the Backer being not suitable, or if it is cancelled by the Backer, the cancellation and its reasons may be displayed (based on certain conditions) on the Backer's profile page to assist future pet owners to make a decision to hire the particular Backer for a more secure and safe pet care.
- If the cancellation is due to pet owner's personal reasons, the cancellation and its reason will not be displayed on the Backer's profile.
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