Fun Activities To Do With Your Dog This Fall

Fun Activities To Do With Your Dog This Fall

Wait, what? Is it fall already? Leaves are falling and the weather is cooling down, which means there are a whole lot of new activities you can do with your dog during this fall.

pumpkin carving

Pumpkin carving

Due to the pandemic, most of the pumpkin patches are temporarily closed, nevertheless, nothing is going to stop us from celebrating! You can just buy some pumpkin back from the supermarket, and try to create a carving of your dog, if you're afraid you might ruin it, keep it simple with just a paw print. Your dog would certainly appreciate some pumpkin scraps while you're getting the job done. 

Drive-thru Trick or Treat

Coordinate with your community and have neighbors to drive by like the Covid-19 birthday parade. Gently throw some candy at costumed kids in their yards. It keeps people from getting too close while still allowing them to enjoy seeing everyone in their costumes. Plus, kids can still collect their CANDY! This would be a good time to bring your dog out for a ride, and you can dress him up as well! 

Go international 

Many countries around the world are experiencing fall, you can reach out to a dog community group to share your homemade dog treat recipe that you feed your dog during fall. Learn how to cook or bake treats for your dogs, make crafts, and at the same time, you can learn about different cultures. Aside from getting to know more friends, your dog gets to eat new treats too!

movie marathon with dog

Have a movie marathon 

Treat your fur kid to some Autumn classics like "You've got mail", "Matilda", "Scent of a Woman", and "The Nightmare Before Christmas". This is also a good activity for dogs who don't like the trick or treat vibes. While having a marathon, simply leave a bowl of candy outside while you indulge in a movie with your fur ball curled up next to you! 

Decorate your house 

Not just your house but also your doggo's. It doesn't need to be a Halloween theme or fall theme, it can be just a simple house makeover. 

[blockquote font="3"]Take your dog to a dog "furniture" shop to choose what he likes! [/blockquote]



What is Oktoberfest? It is an autumn festival held in Munich in late September and early October, featuring the drinking of beer. Celebrate your own Oktoberfest by having a cold chilled beer in your own backyard. While drinking, your dog is able to relax next to you with a pile of leaves under the chilly weather. 

bididi babidi boo

Bibidi Babidi Boo!

Be your own wizard/witch! Use household items to create Frankenstein's potion, Vampire slimes, Black witch potion, and many more! Try mixing baking soda and vinegar inside a jack-o-lantern to give it a boom! And catch your dog's expression as it explodes! 

Zoom Halloween Competition 

Host a virtual competition via zoom with your family and friends. Participants will need to DIY their Halloween costumes. Set a rule, such as you are only allowed to use materials that are in the house. Besides a costume competition, you can also host a pumpkin carving contest. In the midst of carving, you can give a piece of pumpkin scrap to your dog.

[blockquote font="3"]Shhhh, here's a tip to win: Carve a pumpkin to look like your doggo and this will leave the rest of the participants amazed! [/blockquote]

Friendly reminder! Do not use a Halloween costume mask as a substitute for a cloth mask unless it is made of two or more layers of breathable fabric that covers your mouth and nose and doesn't leave gaps around your face. It can be dangerous if the costume mask makes it hard to breathe.

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